
Entrepreneurship Partnership with World Class Centre of Excellence

Delivering affordable population health management solutions

Kairos Kinetic is a biotechnology company advancing population health management solutions through affordable precision medicine based early diagnostics through the practical application of molecular genetics, artificial intelligence in early detection of oral cancer. With the urgent need to address late diagnosis of oral cancer-80% cases and prevent pre-mature deaths in economically productive age groups (i.e Oral Cancer kills 5 Indians every hour,25% mortality of all cancers) Kairos Kinetic aims to develop affordable, point-of-care, early diagnostic solutions to deliver personalized patient care through salivary multiplex biomarker test kit.



Dr. Sree T. Sucharitha

A visionary entrepreneur, strives to bring solution to the prevention of oral cancer burden in India. Her wide expertise in various fields of Medicine and Research has started social-impact start-up for prototype development in the oral cancer prevention and diagnosis

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Our Location

Padur/ Tamilnadu

Call Us

Dr.Sree T.Sucharitha

Mobile: +91 9566257319
Email: sucharithat2@gmail.com